TOKYO 2020



The Olympic Park in PyeongChang has many pavilions showcasing Olympic Family and one real gem is the Tokyo 2020 Japan House, which tells the story of the next summer Olympic Games. Tokyo 2020 will feature in what was described in the opening ceremony as the Asian era of the Olympics, with Korea, Japan and China each hosting games across 2018, 2020, and 2022.

Inside the house, visitors get a sense of the core themes around Tokyo 2020 and you can find more on its media guide. It foregrounds 3 main ideas in its vision: Achieving Your Personal Best, Unity in Diversity, and Connecting to Tomorrow, the latter of which resonates with the previous Tokyo Games of 1964, where technological innovation was a big part of its story.

At the pavilion, visitors can try out an amazing way of taking people through the planned Olympic site. Visitors have their bodies scanned and then see themselves on a large screen, walking through the sites. A social media selfie campaign also gets people sharing their enthusiasm for the Games and then creating a printed out picture to take away. Origami is also featured in the experience, along with playing some of the new Olympic sports within their green screen virtual space.

Tokyo 2020 promises to be a remarkable Games where technology and culture will be strong motifs, it will definitely be one not to miss.


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